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Toonzania privacy policy

TOONZANIA (“TOONZANIA“, “we“, “our“, “us“) has established this Privacy Policy in order to demonstrate our privacy protection standards.


At TOONZANIA we believe it is important for you to understand what types of information we collect and how that information is used when using our website, applications, SDKs, online resources, services and other products or services (collectively, the “Services”). This Privacy Policy covers the use of information collected by TOONZANIA and is designed to explain our policies and procedures with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of information about you in connection with the Services.


This policy does not apply to the practices of companies that TOONZANIA does not own or control or to people it does not employ or manage.




Our Privacy Policy and our information practices adhere to the binding legislation protecting minors of age. We will not knowingly collect and store personal information directly from minors of age without parental or legal guardian consent. If we believe that we have collected and stored personal information from a child (without the necessary parental consent or other legal basis to do so), we will delete the personal information provided as soon as feasibly possible. TOONZANIA does not condition a child’s participation in or access to any online activity on the child providing more personal information than is reasonably necessary for that activity.

By creating your TOONZANIA account or using any of our Services, you are consenting to the collection, use and disclosure of personal and non-personal information about you and your children as described in this Privacy Policy, as needed per service. If at any time you do not want you or your child to be bound by these terms, you must deactivate your TOONZANIA account by emailing your request to and/or uninstalling the Service from your mobile device.

The Information We Collect

The personal data that TOONZANIA may collect from parents, legal guardians and children will be incorporated into a file whose data controller is TOONZANIA.

TOONZANIA may collect the following types of personal and non-personal information from parents, legal guardians and children in connection with use, download, installation and use of any of our Products or Services currently including:

o   Parent’s or legal guardian email address

o   Parent’s or legal guardian full name

o   Parent’s or legal guardian mobile phone number

o   Parent’s or legal guardian country of residence

o   Parent’s or legal guardian zip code

o   Parent’s or legal guardian VAT number / Tax ID

o   Parent’s or legal guardian credit/debit card details (safely stored in our payments processors providers fulfilling all online payments security standards and using PCI DSS, TLS and SSL compliant servers and services)

o   Parent’s or legal guardian Password (saved encrypted on the servers)

Child information provided by parent or legal guardian:

o   Child’s First Name

o   Child’s Date of birth

o   Child’s Gender

o   Child’s Language

o   Child’s photograph

In case we need to collect any other personal Information, which is not listed here, we will specifically request parental consent before doing so, if required by law.

The sensitive information is saved on our servers only and is not shared with any independent third party. The information is used only for optimization of the proposed service/product and internal diagnostics.

The list of contents accessed by the minor of age or the parent or legal guardian will also be collected (for the sole purposes of recommending to you other similar contents and creating a safer environment for your kids). This information might be subject to be shared with independent third parties.

How We Use, Disclose, and Store the Information We Collect

Parent’s personal data

TOONZANIA collects parent or legal guardian’s personal data for the purposes of:

  1. managing, maintaining and controlling the contractual relationship between TOONZANIA and the Parents;
  2. sending informational or promotional messages regarding TOONZANIA-related Services.

TOONZANIA requests a parent or legal guardian email address to create an Account. We use this email address and/or another email address provided by you following the initial registration to send a Welcome message, to notify you about our privacy practices, and to send you additional occasional communications, about your TOONZANIA accounts, for password reset, to notify changes in your account, for sending receipts or invoices, to notify changes in your payment or billing details and for such other purposes as described in this Privacy Policy.

With your permission under this Privacy Policy, we may also use the parent or legal guardian email address to send informational or promotional messages regarding TOONZANIA-related Services. You may revoke permission to receive these promotional messages at any time by clicking on unsubscribe links in those emails or by contacting customer support at

We may also collect a parent’s email address, name and other personal information when a user submits a form through the “Contact Us” portion of the Services or through our website so that we may respond to the inquiry. We collect this personal information for the purpose of responding directly on a one-time basis to a specific inquiry.

If you do not wish to authorize the collection of your email address or any other type of personal information as described in this Privacy Policy, then you should not use those of our services that collect this information. Similarly, if you wish to prevent further collection of any personal information associated with using the Services on your device, simply uninstall the Services and contact us to close your account.

Child’s personal data

TOONZANIA collects child’s personal data for the purposes of:

  1. managing, controlling and rendering the Services to the child.

The child’s name (first name, nickname, etc.), date of birth, languages and gender enable TOONZANIA to personalize the experience for each child, including providing direct access to third-party content and tools that are appropriate and relevant for the child’s profile, based on age and language.

The child’s photograph is collected optionally as the avatar or kid account icon and is uploaded by the parent via Account Settings.

To produce a clean and friendly environment for children, TOONZANIA might request access to the list of applications installed on the device. From this list, TOONZANIA will only display suitable kid-friendly apps and contents based on the age of the child.

Other information we may process

Some of our Services may offer the use of Voice Search as part of the activity. We DO NOT save nor collect the voice recordings of the child using this service.

“Non-Personal Information” is non-individually identifying information, such as age ranges or the type of operating system or web browser that you use. In addition to the personal information that we collect in connection with the Services or that users actively provide to us by other methods such as completing our registration process. We also collect varied non-personal information about our Customers, Users and Visitors and how they interact with the Services.

The types of non-personal information we collect may include, where applicable, your mobile carrier name, mobile device manufacturer and model, as well as certain standard information sent by your browser or mobile device, such as your browser/device type and capabilities and language, your operating system, the referring link from which you linked to our servers, and the date and time you access our servers. We also collect non-personal information related to use of our Services (such as features used, frequency of use, items clicked, pages viewed, and other actions taken) to help us determine and analyze how users interact with our Services.

This Non-Personally Identifiable Information may be shared with third parties when required by law or in response to legal claims or actions.

“Potentially Personally Identifiable Information” is information that is non-individually identifying information in and of itself but that could be used in conjunction with other information to personally identify you. For example, Uniform Resource Locators (“URLs”) (the addresses of web pages) and Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses (the addresses of computers on the Internet), device identifiers, or other persistent identifiers which are non-individually identifying information in and of themselves, could become personally identifiable information when combined with Internet or Mobile Service Provider’s records or used for certain purposes.  When we need to collect, save or use this information to operate or improve our Services, we do so for internal support purposes and/or in compliance with binding regulations protecting minors of age.


To the extent required under applicable data processing laws and regulations, any Personally Identifiable Information that we collect will be stored in our database and will be used in accordance with such applicable laws and regulations.

We do not disclose, share, sell, rent or otherwise distribute any of your Personally Identifiable Information with or to any independent third parties unless you provide us with your specific and explicit written permission to do so. The only two exceptions we make are:

  1. If the information is required by law in order to prevent, investigate, or take action regarding illegal activities, situations involving potential threats to physical safety, rights, property or of any person, suspected fraud and violations of our Terms of Use. In addition, we will share information in response to legal process, court orders, subpoenas, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims; and
  2. If we become involved in a merger, acquisition, or any form of sale of some or all of our assets, we will notify you when personal information is transferred, through your email address or by placing a prominent notice on our Services.

In addition to the purposes described above, we may use personal information such as user names and email addresses to enable parents to review personal information that has been collected by TOONZANIA on their account and to provide notification regarding TOONZANIA Services, such as any future material amendments to this Privacy Policy.

We also use non-personal information for internal purposes such as testing and improving user experience, e.g., by removing features that are rarely used, designing new products and services, improving our existing Services generally, and testing and enhancing security, and for other purposes described in this Privacy Policy. We also compile demographic data and usage-related information for a variety of uses in an aggregated or anonymized manner intended to remove or obscure any personal information which can identify any individual user.

Sharing Information with Third-Parties

This Privacy Policy applies solely to the information collected by us online through the Services and does not apply to any other websites, applications or services. The Services may feature various icons, shortcuts or links to launch or access other websites, embedded content, applications and services provided by third parties that we do not own or control. Although our Services may be designed to restrict the ability of third parties to collect data from users when they launch third-party content or apps from within the Services, we cannot be responsible for the practices or privacy policies of those third parties or any collection and use of data by third parties from users when they launch third party apps or access third party content embedded or included within the Services. Similarly, we cannot be responsible for the practices or privacy policies of any other websites, applications and services linked to our website. We encourage you to be aware that when you access embedded third-party content, launch third party applications or leave our website, you should read the privacy policies of each and every third party that may be providing websites, content, applications or information linked to, embedded, accessed or launched from the Services.

We may offer blogs or other public forums as well as other features in which a parent or other adult may provide us with Submissions (as defined in the Terms of Service), but we take measures, including live moderation, so that, Visitors, Customers or Users cannot communicate personal information through these Public Forums. If you use a Public Forum on this website, and disclose personally identifiable information that we do not detect, you should be aware that such information could be read, collected or used by other users. We are not responsible for any personally identifiable information you choose to submit in these Public Forums.

Third-Party “hosts” – some of our Services may be offered by third-party apps, websites, servers or online services. TOONZANIA Privacy Policy does not apply to those hosts, and the hosts’ policies do not apply or require that TOONZANIA commit to any of their statements.

TOONZANIA is not liable and has no connection to any changes in policies of its partners, servers and hosts, and updating you of any such changes is the sole responsibility of the third party.

You should check the individual policy of each product/service in order to understand the full terms of use and privacy policy in the combined services.

TOONZANIA does not share personal information about our users with any unaffiliated/independent third-party companies in connection with our Services. 

Finally, our Services may include various community features, tools and functionalities that enable Users, Customers or Visitors to post, access and share information. Please note that any Personally Identifiable Information voluntarily disclosed by you or your child on our Website through email, in public-view personal profiles, public-view uploaded materials, chat rooms, message boards, or intra-site message systems, may be viewed and possibly used by other users, and such disclosure may have unintended privacy implications for you.

Whenever required by law and in services intended for users under the age of 13, the Services shall take additional safety measures or require parental or legal guardian consent before allowing children access or usage of these types of community features.


The security of your personal information is important to us. We have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security, and correctly use the information we collect online.

You should be aware, however, that there is no data that is transmitted over the Internet that can be guaranteed 100% secure in transmission or safe from theft or illegal capture.

Update/Delete User Information

You can contact us at any time to review a copy of your or your child’s personal information (if applicable) and to have any inaccuracies corrected or if you no longer desire our service (in which case we will endeavor to remove your Personally Identifiable Information provided to us). Where appropriate, you may request to have your Personally Identifiable Information or your child’s information erased, rectified, amended or completed.  You may also request that we stop collecting or using your child’s personal information (as applicable). To make any of these requests, please e-mail


Effective Date and Changes to Privacy Policy

By accessing the Services, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your information as explained in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and is subject to the TOONZANIA Terms of Use, which can be accessed at

Your use of the Services and any information you provide through the Services is subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.

The most current version of this Privacy Policy is effective as of the date of last modification set forth below, and applies to all information previously obtained by TOONZANIA.  We reserve the right to change the Privacy Policy at our sole discretion. TOONZANIA users will be informed of any such change by us posting a new Privacy Policy on the TOONZANIA Website and/or Services and the effective date of any change of Privacy Policy will be clearly marked. As required by law, we will not use personal information in ways that are materially different from the ways described in this Privacy Policy without also providing notification of such practices and obtaining prior consent to any such different uses.  If any material changes affect the handling of children’s personal information (which we generally do not collect from children), then we would require prior parental notice and verifiable consent.

Please note that you are responsible for updating your personal information to provide us your current email address at all times. In the event that the last parent or legal guardian email address that you have provided us is not valid, or for any other reason is not capable of delivering to you the notice described above, our sending of the email containing such notice will nonetheless constitute effective notice of any change described in the notice.

Governing Law

This Privacy Policy shall be exclusively governed by and construed in all respects under the laws of Spain, without giving effect to any choice-of-law or conflict-of-law provisions. Any and all legal claims, suits or actions that arise in connection with this Privacy Policy or with breach of this Privacy Policy shall be submitted exclusively to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located in Madrid, Spain.

Contact Us

If you have questions or wish to send us comments about this Privacy Policy, please send an email with your questions or comments to:


Please be assured that any personal information that you provide in communications to the above email will not be used to send you promotional materials, unless you so request.


This Policy has been drafted in both Spanish (Castilian) and English versions. The English version of this Policy is for visitors, Customers and Users convenience only and is not to be considered legally binding. Only the Spanish version of these Terms shall be legally binding. The Spanish version can be found here.

Date of Last Modification: November 2020.

Sizes chart

Our sizes are based on United States standard sizes as these suit better our customers taste. Nonetheless, please check these measures and confirm the chosen size is right for you.

T-shirts measures in centimeters (cm)

Half Chest464952555861
Body Length666972747678
Sleeve Length19,520.521,522,522,523,5

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